Monster Media 1995 #11
Monster Media No. 11 (Second Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO
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File List
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AVP21UPD.ZIP 296135 05/11/95 AntiViral Toolkit Pro v2.1. Final update for
| the evaluation version 2.1.
AVSCN219.ZIP 336630 05/11/95 AVScan v2.19. German Virus Scanner.
CM8105D.ZIP 132569 05/02/95 ChekMate v1.05d. Known/Unknown virus
| detection utility. Detects changes to the
| following: Memory, Boot Sector(s), Partition
| Table and Protected Files.
FP_218A.ZIP 564560 06/08/95 F-Prot v2.18a. Contains a virus scanner
| combined with a disinfection program, as well
| as a resident monitoring program for
| intercepting known viruses.
INVB602.ZIP 395133 05/05/95 Invircible v6.02. Anti virus suite: Generic
| integrity check & restoration, ResQdisk
| recovery toolkit.
I_M242D.ZIP 336827 04/05/95 Integrity Master v2.42d. Virus scanner and
| data Integrity! Easy to use but protects
| against much more than just viruses!
SCN_221I.ZIP 1084614 04/20/95 VirusScan for DOS v2.21 with INSTALL.
SCN_222E.ZIP 407875 06/15/95 VirusScan for DOS by McAfee, Inc. Scans and
| cleans PC's/LAN's for known and new viruses.
SNR9504.ZIP 34412 04/16/95 The Scanner - The Anti-Virus Newsletter of
| Today. April 1995.
SUSP120.ZIP 205909 05/03/95 Suspicious v1.20. Heuristische
| Antiviren-Programme zur Suche/Analyse von
| bekannten und unbekannten.
TBAV635.ZIP 285804 05/17/95 Thunderbyte Anti-Virus v6.35. The most
| complete anti-virus system available.
| Included are TbScan, TbScanX, TbSetup,
| TbClean, TbDisk, TbFile, TbMem, TbCheck, and
| TbUtil.
TBAVX635.ZIP 90163 05/17/95 Processor-optimized versions of the resident
| TBAV v6.35. Utilities are faster/smaller than
| those found in the normal TBAV package.
VDS30T.ZIP 307716 04/28/95 Virus Detection System v3.0T. Set of programs
| designed to contain the spread of viruses by
| providing early detection and quick recovery.
VIRINFO.ZIP 14026 05/10/95 VirInfo May 95. 13 short text files from
| IBM's antivirus lab with info on the most
| common viruses of recent years.
VSH_222B.ZIP 584214 06/11/95 VShield by McAfee Inc. Memory-resident (TSR)
| virus protection and prevention. Auto-loads
| into RAM above 1Meg.
VSUMX505.ZIP 930824 05/31/95 Updated Virus Summary Program from Patricia
| Hoffman; lists all known viruses, origins,
| descriptions and cures.
WLDLST.ZIP 5865 05/09/95 WildList May 95. Cooperative listing of
| viruses reported as being in the wild by
| virus information professionals. Compiled by
| an IBM virus specialist.
WSC_222E.ZIP 584874 06/15/95 VirusScan v2.22 for Windows. Scans and cleans
| PC's/LAN's for known and new viruses.
XCAIBUA.ZIP 29635 05/13/95 CAIBUA virus detection/remover for the new
| virus "BIG CAIBUA" (aka BUTTHEAD). NetZ is
| the maker of InVircible.